Sunday, May 8, 2016

KitKat Opening the Door (Planet of the Cats Pt 1)

Cats are going to take over the world one day, I'm telling you! There's quite a bit of videos circulating Youtube of other cats opening doors which is impressive - it's like they all instinctively know how to do it or they are just really observant and figure it out from watching us (and reporting their findings back to their mothership). It seems that cats don't like closed doors very much - their curiosity tells them they should be able to know what's behind the door and they want to explore every room.

The first time I discovered KitKat knew how to open doors was maybe a year ago when I was sleeping and it was almost morning. I was still half asleep and I heard him meowing at the door and being noisy. I tried ignoring it to sleep some more but then I felt his presence next to my face and opened my eyes to find that he has learned how to open my door and has come to wake me up to feed him! He's been opening doors ever since then and from that day on, I made it my personal goal to film it on camera. I filmed the first part of the video a year ago and just yesterday I was finally able to film the second perspective from outside of the door. It was tricky because he never opens the door if he knows we are watching him so when I had a feeling he was going for it, I quickly got out my GoPro and tripod and then quickly went back into my room to wait. It took a couple tries but I finally got it!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Band Spotlight: FIDLAR

I've finally figured out the theme for this blog: music and cats - the two things I'm most permanently passionate about out of my long list of ever-changing interests and hobbies

To start off, here's a post about a band I recently found out about from WayHome's 2016 lineup

FIDLAR (short for "Fuck It Dog, Life's a Risk") is a skate punk/garage punk band from LA and I would describe their style as energetic/catchy/noisy music that you can stomp your feet to and sing (yell) along with.

Below are two songs by them - their music videos are pretty cool and creative too!

I want those creepy tiny hands

Reminiscent of Blink-182's "All the Small Things" video - Can you name all the music videos this one parodies?