Sunday, May 1, 2016

Band Spotlight: FIDLAR

I've finally figured out the theme for this blog: music and cats - the two things I'm most permanently passionate about out of my long list of ever-changing interests and hobbies

To start off, here's a post about a band I recently found out about from WayHome's 2016 lineup

FIDLAR (short for "Fuck It Dog, Life's a Risk") is a skate punk/garage punk band from LA and I would describe their style as energetic/catchy/noisy music that you can stomp your feet to and sing (yell) along with.

Below are two songs by them - their music videos are pretty cool and creative too!

I want those creepy tiny hands

Reminiscent of Blink-182's "All the Small Things" video - Can you name all the music videos this one parodies?

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